August – October 2018 Newsletter
Important information about Flu Jabs in 2018
There will be two main types of flu vaccination given to adults
in England this year – it is very important that you receive the correct
flu vaccination for your age group to ensure maximum protection.
Patients aged 65 by 31 March 2019 will receive a type of vaccine
known as adjuvanted tri-valiant influenza vaccine.
This type of vaccine has proven to offer much greater protection to
older people and is licenced for anyone who has reached their 65
birthday and can also be given to those who reach this age within the
current flu season.
Patients who are eligible for a flu vaccination but who will not be 65
by 31 March 2019 reached their 65 birthday will receive a
quadrivalent vaccine. This is the vaccine which is licenced for that age
group that offers the best protection.
There are different supply constraints with each type of vaccine and
so to ensure that our patients can access the type of vaccine most
suitable for them as quickly as possible our flu clinics will be targeted
towards the different age groups.
The sooner you get vaccinated, the longer you will be protected from
the flu virus so we urge our patients to book as early as possible.
You can book your flu jabs now – clinics start in September.
Having a flu jab helps protects you and your family from the virus.
The more people who are protected the lower the levels of flu within
the community.
You can find out more information on the NHS choices website
Chat Health for Young people
Young people can text a public health nurse to access confidential public health
advice via a secure messaging service,
Text ChatHealth on 07520 615387
Chat Health for Parents and carers
The ChatHealth service is also available for parents and carers, if you have
concerns about your child’s health, and would like to contact a health
professional – please text 07520 615382
Telephone Appointments with a Doctor
If you have an issue or concern you wish to talk to your doctor about which
you feel will not necessarily require you to be examined, you may wish to use
our new service instead of booking a face to face appointment. Call us on the
day you wish to be contacted, we will take some brief details and arrange for
a GP to call you back. Morning and afternoon call backs are available. This
can save you visiting the surgery.
If your GP refers you to a hospital and the doctor there sends you for tests or investigations
please call the hospital doctor’s secretary for the results of your tests. Please do not call
the surgery as this information may not be sent to us.
Useful numbers:
Leicester Hospitals Patient Information & Liaison Service
0808 178 8337 (Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm)
Coventry Hospitals Patient Advice & Liaison Service (includes Rugby St Cross)
02476 966 061 (Monday – Friday 8am -5pm)
These services offer help and support to patients using the hospitals including helping you
to get your test results and checking the progress of your referral.
Please use the liaison services before calling your GP surgery about hospital issues as their
staff have more direct access to the hospital information.