February & March 2020 Newsletter

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Drinking Water

We are pleased to have installed a water fountain for the comfort and convenience of our patients.
To minimise wastage and to ensure the Practice is as environmentally friendly as possible, we hope most people will use the traditional “water fountain” facility or fill their own reusable bottles from the tap.
We do have some paper cups for use in emergencies – but we hope use of these will be minimal and we ask you all to support us by bringing your refillable bottle or cup with you.

New Chairs in the Waiting Room

We hope you like our new waiting room chairs. There are some additional single seater chairs with arms still on order and once these arrive we hope that we will have catered for most of our patients needs. The new chairs have be carefully chosen to ensure they are easy to keep clean and adhere to infection prevention guidelines. You will soon see similar chairs in all of the consulting rooms.

Dementia Admiral Nurse Clinics Launched in Lutterworth

Admiral Nurses provide the specialist dementia support that families need. When things get challenging or difficult, they work alongside families affected by dementia, giving them the compassionate one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions.

We are part of a project bringing Admiral Nurses to Lutterworth. Initially, the clinics will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month here at the Wycliffe Medical Practice, until a specialist Community Centre is opened in the town later this year.

For more information about the clinics, and how to access them, please contact the Lutterworth Share & Care Co-ordinator, Sophie Styles on 07857807260.

Preventing the spread of infection

There is currently no vaccine to prevent Coronavirus which is an acute respiratory disease. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus.

There are general principles you can follow to help prevent the spread of any respiratory viruses

  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. This is particularly important after taking public transport
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • if you feel unwell, stay at home, do not attend work or school
  • cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin.
  • clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home and work environment
  • if you are worried about your symptoms, please call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP or another healthcare environment

Virtual Patient Group

We are hoping to find some new members for our Virtual Patient Group – this is a group of patients with whom we communicate by email – sending newsletters and updates, sometimes asking for opinions and feedback. We would like people from 16 plus to join our group – if you are interested, please send an email to wycliffe.medicalpractice@nhs.net putting Virtual Patient Group as the subject.