Blood Pressure

It is important that we monitor the blood pressure of patients who suffer from long term conditions at regular intervals. Alongside annual reviews we ask patients to submit routine interim BP readings so that we can observe any changes and take necessary action.

The timing between readings depends on the conditions as listed below:

  • Hypertension or borderline hypertension- 6 months
  • Cardiovascular disease/IHD- 6 months
  • CKD stage G3aA3, all G3b, G4A1 and G4A2- 6 months (please also book for an interim blood test)
  • CKD stage G4A3- 4 months (please also book for an interim blood test)
  • CKD all G5- 3months (please also book for an interim blood test)
  • Diabetes- 6 months (please also book for an interim blood test)

If you have recently started a new medication or had your dosage altered, your GP may have asked you to submit BP readings 4-6 weeks later. They may also have asked you to arrange a blood test, please contact us to arrange this.

We may also ask you to submit blood pressure readings if you are over 45 or if previous readings have been above normal.
Please download and complete the applicable blood pressure form below. If you require instructions on how to use a home blood pressure machine please read the instructions below.

If you do not have a home blood pressure machine, you can loan one from the surgery for a £20 deposit.

Once completed simply send the completed form via our online system, by following this link:
Alternatively, you can drop your form into the surgery.