Patient Participation Group

Our Patient Group

Our meetings are informal with GPs and staff providing news and updates about the services we provide. We often ask for advice and feedback to help develop and improve our services.

We also discuss what is going on in the wider health community. Each year our Patient Group helps us to prepare a patient survey and to agree action points from your feedback.

Meetings are held approximately bi-monthly, from 7-8.30pm. If you would like to join us please tell a member of our reception team or email us at

If you are unable to attend or prefer not to attend the meetings but still wish to  be involved we can add you to our Online Patient Group and send you information and also seek you opinions and feedback from time to time via email.

Please click below to join our Online Patient Group: If you would like to speak to a member of our Patient Group to find out more, please let us know and we will arrange for them to contact you.

You can read the minutes of our last meeting below:

National Association for Patient Participation

Patient participation is a unique partnership between patients, GPs and their practice which is essential to and results in high quality and responsive care.

Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) work in partnership with their practices to:

  • help patients to take more responsibility for their health.
  • contribute to the continuous improvement of services and quality of care
  • foster improved communication between the practice and its patient
  • provide practical support for the practice and help to implement change

For more information please visit the NAPP Website.